Kong's house, December 2009

Thanks to everyone interested in this project. For a description of the project, see first blog entry. - Tomoko


1/24/10 $450 wired for work on the concrete floors. Floors are finished now.
1/15/10 Sent email to friends about blog
1/12/10 Created House of Kong blog
1/11/10 Called Kong. Got more background info. and history
1/11/10 $200 wired for starting work on floors. An engineer/construction worker is scheduled to start on Jan. 15
1/1/10 Naoto tells me the story of Kong
12/31/09 Naoto returns from Laos

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thank You!

Thank you for being interested in this project. I've gotten such good response. It is awesome and humbling. It gives me such a great feeling of camaraderie. Here is a map of viewers of the blog site. Each red bubble represents one or often more people from that area. I am so touch by this. Some people have forwarded this email on to others and that is very much appreciated.
People kept asking me if I had read the book Eat, Pray, Love and I hadn't. So I finally had to ask what made them ask in conjunction with this blog. The author tells about trying to build a house using the internet to raise the funds. Hummm.. guess I'll have to read it to get some tips.

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